小學數(shù)學教師 Primary Math teacher(青年教師)

小學數(shù)學教師 Primary Math teacher(青年教師)

英國惠靈頓公學(Wellington College)于1859年為紀念大不列顛最偉大的軍事家并兩度任英國首相的惠靈頓公爵而建立。2017年1月11日上午,英國惠靈頓公學正式簽約入駐杭州,這是惠靈頓公學在中國繼天津、上海之后開設的第三個分校區(qū)。
1. 本科及以上學歷,數(shù)學專業(yè)者優(yōu)先;
2. 有2年以上小學雙語數(shù)學教學經(jīng)驗;
3. 持有教師資格證;
4. 英文流利可用于工作;
5. 熱愛數(shù)學,熱愛教育事業(yè),愛孩子,有耐心,有親和力;
1. 一名子女免費入學;住房補貼;
2. 帶薪寒暑假及中外節(jié)假日;
3. 五險一金,額外的商業(yè)醫(yī)保,公積金繳納12%;
4. 年度體檢,免費員工班車,工作日免費午餐;
5. 國際化工作環(huán)境,扁平化管理,晉升空間;
? The successful candidate will play a key role in the development of the mathematics curriculum at Wellington College Hangzhou.
? The teacher will ensure that the subject is delivered in a way that provides coverage, progression and continuity by effectively working with an international teaching partner. The teacher will also be required to carry out other such duties as the Head of Primary or the Deputy Head of Primary may reasonably direct from time to time. He/she is expected to display the highest standards of professionalism in his/her teaching and in his/her relationships with colleagues and parents.
? The teacher must ensure that an excellent learning environment is provided for the learning of mathematics and that the pupils develop a positive attitude to the subject within the College. The teacher must present lessons in a structured and coordinated manner with due regard to the ability of the pupils and the curriculum targets of the particular year group.
? Contribute to the holistic wellbeing of all pupils and specifically to those assigned to your individual care.
? Make all pupils aware of the Wellington College Mission Statement, values and Identity-base including the Eight Aptitudes model of education, their values, aims, and display them in an innovative and informative fashion in the classroom and adjacent corridors.
? Teach mathematics lessons independently.
? Undertake class management as a class teacher.
? Complete teaching plans on time and to a high standard through collaboration with an international co-teacher.
? Participate in co-planning meetings with international and Chinese teachers. Contribute ideas during discussions.
? Monitor and evaluate constantly the effectiveness of your own teaching, maintaining good standards of practice and ensuring progression. Work collaboratively and effectively with an international teaching partner.
? Participate fully in the Staff Appraisal system, with classroom observation of colleagues and a willingness to be personally observed within the classroom. Submit books, records or planning as required for monitoring by colleagues or the Head of Mathematics.
? Be involved in developing, implementing and monitoring all College policies regarding mathematics, and to assist in the necessary documentation pertaining to the subject, where required by the Head of Mathematics.
? Assist with the resourcing of mathematics for the Primary School, and work with the Head of Primary and the Deputy Head of Primary in drawing up the annual order.
? Apply consistently and diligently the rules of the College in order to maintain discipline, standards of dress and to safeguard the happiness, safety and wellbeing of all pupils. To ensure that pupils know, understand and follow the College rules.
? Provide opportunities for the community to be involved in pupils’ and setting success.
? Make parents feel welcome and build good relationships with parents.
? Introduce information regarding to Primary School mathematics curriculum.
? Collect information of pupils’ interests and growth from parents.
? Stimulate pupils’ study by making use of parents’ strengths.
? Provide consultations and support to parents’ enquiries.
? Share pupils’ information provided by parents with co-teachers.
? Communicate with parents on a regular basis, as directed by the Head of Mathematics, the Deputy Head of Primary and the Head of Primary.
? Attend Parents’ Meetings as required and provide accurate, honest information regarding the progress of individuals in mathematics.
? Report to the parents in the form of regular written reports, and when may be additionally required by the Head of Primary.
? Carry out duties in the Primary School as required and timetabled by the Head of Primary. This will include playtime supervision, lunchtime supervision and after-school supervision.
? Maintain, with the rest of the teaching staff, high standards of conduct both in and out of the classroom. Act always in a way that conforms to the College ethos and values and is in the best interests of the pupils.
? Set high expectations and standards for the achievement of pupils and your personal performance.
? Contribute as fully as possible to the annual calendar of College events, in whatever way possible.
? Be familiar with the recent development of Primary School

